- accept(File) - Method in interface UIFileFilter
- ACTUAL_SIZE - Static variable in class ScalingOption
Do not scale the shape.
- add(InsetDescription) - Method in class InsetDescription
- ApplicationException - Exception in org.violetlib.types
An exception with an explanation that can be shown to a user.
- ApplicationRuntimeException - Exception in org.violetlib.types
An application exception for situations where only unchecked exceptions are permitted (for example, in an iterator).
- asApplicationException() - Method in exception DataException
- BLACK - Static variable in class ColorDescription
- BLACK - Static variable in class FontDescription
- BLUE - Static variable in class ColorDescription
- BOLD - Static variable in class FontDescription
- Bounds - Class in org.violetlib.types
A platform-independent description of a rectangular area.
- ChangeVetoException - Exception in org.violetlib.types
An exception indicating that a requested change is not permitted.
- CLEAR - Static variable in class ColorDescription
- color(float) - Static method in class ColorDescription
- color(double) - Static method in class ColorDescription
- color(float, float, float) - Static method in class ColorDescription
- color(double, double, double) - Static method in class ColorDescription
- color(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class ColorDescription
- color(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class ColorDescription
- ColorDescription - Class in org.violetlib.types
A platform-independent description of a color.
- contains(int, int) - Method in class Bounds
- create(String) - Static method in exception ApplicationException
Create an application exception with the specified message.
- create(String, Throwable) - Static method in exception ApplicationException
Create an application exception with the specified message and cause.
- create(String, String) - Static method in exception ApplicationException
Create an application exception with the specified message and optional detail.
- create(String) - Static method in exception ApplicationRuntimeException
- create(String, Throwable) - Static method in exception ApplicationRuntimeException
- create(ApplicationException) - Static method in exception ApplicationRuntimeException
- create(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class Bounds
- create() - Static method in exception ChangeVetoException
- create(String) - Static method in exception ChangeVetoException
- create(int, int, int) - Static method in class ColorDescription
- create(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class ColorDescription
- create(String) - Static method in exception DataException
Create a data exception with the specified message.
- create(String, Throwable) - Static method in exception DataException
Create a data exception with the specified message and cause.
- create(Throwable) - Static method in exception DataException
Create a data exception with the specified cause.
- create(String, float, float, boolean) - Static method in class FontDescription
Create a font description.
- create(String, float, float) - Static method in class FontDescription
Create a font description for a font that is not oblique.
- create(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class InsetDescription
- create(int, int) - Static method in class InsetDescription
- create(int) - Static method in class InsetDescription
- create(InterruptedException) - Static method in exception InterruptedRuntimeException
- create(String) - Static method in exception InvalidDataException
Create an invalid data exception with the specified message.
- create(String, Throwable) - Static method in exception InvalidDataException
Create an invalid data exception with the specified message.
- create(String) - Static method in exception InvalidDataRuntimeException
Create an invalid data exception with the specified message.
- create(String, Throwable) - Static method in exception InvalidDataRuntimeException
Create an invalid data exception with the specified message.
- create() - Static method in exception InvalidEncodingException
Create an exception to report an invalid encoding using a generic message.
- create(String) - Static method in exception InvalidEncodingException
Create an exception to report an invalid encoding using a specific message.
- create() - Static method in exception InvalidTextException
Create an exception to report invalid text using a generic message.
- create(String) - Static method in exception InvalidTextException
Create an exception to report invalid text using a specific message.
- create(IOException) - Static method in exception IORuntimeException
- create(String) - Static method in exception IORuntimeException
- create(Exception) - Static method in exception LambdaException
- create() - Static method in exception OperationFailedException
- create(String) - Static method in exception OperationFailedException
- create(String, Throwable) - Static method in exception OperationFailedException
- create(Throwable) - Static method in exception OperationFailedException
- create() - Static method in exception OperationFailedRuntimeException
- create(String) - Static method in exception OperationFailedRuntimeException
- create(String, Throwable) - Static method in exception OperationFailedRuntimeException
- create(Throwable) - Static method in exception OperationFailedRuntimeException
- create(int, int) - Static method in class Position
- create(int, int) - Static method in class Size
Create a description of the size of a rectangular area.
- create(String) - Static method in error UndefinedValueError
- create(Exception) - Static method in error UnexpectedExceptionError
- create(String) - Static method in exception UnsupportedDataException
- create(String, Throwable) - Static method in exception UnsupportedDataException
- DataException - Exception in org.violetlib.types
A generic exception for data read/write failures.
- empty() - Static method in class NullableOptional
- enlarge(int) - Method in class Bounds
- equals(Object) - Method in class Bounds
- equals(Object) - Method in class ColorDescription
- equals(Object) - Method in class FontDescription
- equals(Object) - Method in class InsetDescription
- equals(Object) - Method in class NullableOptional
- equals(Object) - Method in class Position
- equals(Object) - Method in class Size
- error(Throwable) - Static method in class TaggedValue
- fixed(double) - Static method in class ScalingOption
Create an option to scale by a fixed scale factor.
- FontDescription - Class in org.violetlib.types
A platform-independent description of a font.
- get() - Method in class NullableOptional
- get() - Method in class TaggedValue
Return the value, if present and not null.
- getAlpha() - Method in class ColorDescription
- getApplicationException() - Method in exception ApplicationRuntimeException
- getBlue() - Method in class ColorDescription
- getBottom() - Method in class InsetDescription
- getDescription() - Method in interface UIFileFilter
- getDetail() - Method in exception ApplicationException
- getError() - Method in class TaggedValue
Return the error, if no value is present.
- getException() - Method in exception LambdaException
- getFamily() - Method in class FontDescription
- getGreen() - Method in class ColorDescription
- getHeight() - Method in class InsetDescription
- getInterruptedException() - Method in exception InterruptedRuntimeException
- getIOException() - Method in exception IORuntimeException
- getLeft() - Method in class InsetDescription
- getRed() - Method in class ColorDescription
- getRight() - Method in class InsetDescription
- getScaleFactor() - Method in class ScalingOption
If this scaling option corresponds to a specified scale factor, return the scale factor.
- getSize() - Method in class FontDescription
- getTop() - Method in class InsetDescription
- getValue() - Method in class TaggedValue
Return the value, if present.
- getWeight() - Method in class FontDescription
- getWidth() - Method in class InsetDescription
- GRAY - Static variable in class ColorDescription
- gray(int) - Static method in class ColorDescription
- GREEN - Static variable in class ColorDescription
- hashCode() - Method in class Bounds
- hashCode() - Method in class ColorDescription
- hashCode() - Method in class FontDescription
- hashCode() - Method in class InsetDescription
- hashCode() - Method in class NullableOptional
- hashCode() - Method in class Position
- hashCode() - Method in class Size
- HEAVY - Static variable in class FontDescription
- height - Variable in class Bounds
- height - Variable in class Size
- ifPresentOrElse(Consumer<? super T>, Runnable) - Method in class NullableOptional
- InsetDescription - Class in org.violetlib.types
A platform-independent description of insets.
- InterruptedRuntimeException - Exception in org.violetlib.types
An unchecked exception that corresponds to InterruptedException
- InvalidDataException - Exception in org.violetlib.types
A generic exception for reporting invalid data to the user.
- InvalidDataRuntimeException - Exception in org.violetlib.types
An invalid data exception for situations where only unchecked exceptions are permitted (for example, in an iterator).
- InvalidEncodingException - Exception in org.violetlib.types
An exception to report that encoded data is not valid.
- InvalidTextException - Exception in org.violetlib.types
An exception to report that user submitted text is not valid.
- IORuntimeException - Exception in org.violetlib.types
An IO exception for situations where only a runtime exception is permitted (for example, in an iterator).
- isEmpty() - Method in class NullableOptional
- isError() - Method in class TaggedValue
Return true if and only if a value is not present.
- isOblique() - Method in class FontDescription
- isPresent() - Method in class NullableOptional
- isPresent() - Method in class TaggedValue
Return true if and only if a value is present.
- isSpecified() - Method in class ScalingOption
Return true if and only if this scaling option corresponds to a specified scale factor.
- isValidSize(float) - Static method in class FontDescription
- isValidWeight(float) - Static method in class FontDescription
- isZero() - Method in class InsetDescription
- LambdaException - Exception in org.violetlib.types
A runtime exception used to pass an exception through a lambda.
- LIGHT - Static variable in class FontDescription
- MEDIUM - Static variable in class FontDescription
- named(String) - Static method in class Option
- NullableOptional<T> - Class in org.violetlib.types
A possibly null value that may be present or absent.
- of(T) - Static method in class NullableOptional
- of(T) - Static method in class TaggedValue
- of(T) - Static method in exception ThrowableResult
- offset(int, int) - Method in class Bounds
- OperationFailedException - Exception in org.violetlib.types
A generic exception indicating that an operation has failed.
- OperationFailedRuntimeException - Exception in org.violetlib.types
An operation failed exception for situations where only unchecked exceptions are permitted (for example, in an iterator).
- Option - Class in org.violetlib.types
A unique named value suitable for a set of options.
- orElse(T) - Method in class NullableOptional
- orElseThrow() - Method in class NullableOptional
- org.violetlib.types - package org.violetlib.types
- Position - Class in org.violetlib.types
A platform-independent description of a point in a two dimensional space.
- RED - Static variable in class ColorDescription
- REGULAR - Static variable in class FontDescription
- SCALE_FREE - Static variable in class ScalingOption
Scale the shape to fit exactly within the available space.
- SCALE_PRESERVE - Static variable in class ScalingOption
Scale the shape to fit within the available space, but preserve the aspect ratio.
- SCALE_PRESERVE_REDUCE - Static variable in class ScalingOption
Scale the shape to fit within the available space, but preserve the aspect ratio and do not enlarge the shape.
- ScalingOption - Class in org.violetlib.types
Options for scaling a shape to fit in a given display size or to magnify it by a fixed scale factor.
- SEMI_BOLD - Static variable in class FontDescription
- Size - Class in org.violetlib.types
A platform-independent description of the size of a rectangular area.
- TaggedValue<T> - Class in org.violetlib.types
A tagged value represents the result of a computation, which either produces a (possibly null) value or throws.
- THIN - Static variable in class FontDescription
- ThrowableResult - Exception in org.violetlib.types
A result that can be thrown.
- throwIfError(String) - Method in class TaggedValue
If the value is present, return the value.
- toIOException(Exception) - Static method in exception IORuntimeException
This method is used in catch clauses that handle both IOException and IORuntimeException.
- toString() - Method in exception ApplicationException
This method returns the exception message (only).
- toString() - Method in class Bounds
- toString() - Method in class ColorDescription
- toString() - Method in class FontDescription
- toString() - Method in class InsetDescription
- toString() - Method in class Option
- toString() - Method in class Position
- toString() - Method in class ScalingOption
- toString() - Method in class Size
- UIComponent - Interface in org.violetlib.types
An abstract interface representing a UI component.
- UIFileFilter - Interface in org.violetlib.types
A file filter with a description for use in a file dialog menu.
- UIWindowContext - Interface in org.violetlib.types
An abstract interface representing information about a parent window needed to position a window.
- ULTRA_LIGHT - Static variable in class FontDescription
- UndefinedValueError - Error in org.violetlib.types
An assertion error for an unexpected undefined result.
- UnexpectedExceptionError - Error in org.violetlib.types
An error to be thrown when an exception is thrown that should not have happened.
- UnsupportedDataException - Exception in org.violetlib.types
An exception that may be thrown by a method when given unsupported data.
- value - Variable in exception ThrowableResult
- WHITE - Static variable in class ColorDescription
- width - Variable in class Bounds
- width - Variable in class Size
- withOblique(boolean) - Method in class FontDescription
- withSize(float) - Method in class FontDescription
- withWeight(float) - Method in class FontDescription
- x - Variable in class Bounds
- x - Variable in class Position
- y - Variable in class Bounds
- y - Variable in class Position
- YELLOW - Static variable in class ColorDescription
- zero() - Static method in class InsetDescription
- ZERO - Static variable in class Size