abstract IList<V> |
IList.appending(V value)
Return a list with an additional value added at the end.
abstract IList<V> |
IList.appendingAll(Iterable<? extends V> values)
Return a list with additional values added at the end.
static <V> IList<V> |
IList.cast(IList<?> o)
Cast a list to a specific type.
static <V> IList<V> |
IList.castNullable(IList<?> o)
Cast a list to a specific type.
static IList<Double> |
IList.create(double[] values)
Return a list containing the specified elements.
static IList<Float> |
IList.create(float[] values)
Return a list containing the specified elements.
static IList<Integer> |
IList.create(int[] values)
Return a list containing the specified elements.
static <V> IList<V> |
IList.create(Iterable<? extends V> it)
Return a list containing the specified elements.
static <V> IList<V> |
IList.create(ListUsage usage,
Iterable<? extends V> it)
Return a list containing the specified elements, optimized for the specified usage.
static IList<Long> |
IList.create(long[] values)
Return a list containing the specified elements.
static <V> IList<V> |
IList.create(V[] it)
Return a list containing the specified elements.
static <V> IList<V> |
IList.createOptional(Iterable<? extends V> it)
Return a list containing the specified elements.
static <V> IList<V> |
IList.createOptional(V[] it)
Return a list containing the specified elements.
static <V> IList<V> |
Return a list containing no elements.
static <V> IList<V> |
IList.empty(ListUsage usage)
Return a list containing no elements.
abstract IList<V> |
IList.getElements(int index,
int count)
Return the elements with consecutive indexes.
abstract IList<V> |
MapListBuilder.getValues(K key)
Return the values currently associated with the specified key.
IList<V> |
IList.inserting(int position,
V value)
Return a list with a new value inserted at the specified position.
IList<V> |
IList.insertingAll(int position,
Iterable<? extends V> values)
Return a list with new values inserted at the specified position.
abstract IList<K> |
Return the keys that have associated values.
abstract IList<K> |
Return the keys that have associated values.
abstract <R> IList<R> |
IList.map(Function<V,R> mapper)
Return a list containing the result of applying a mapper to each list element.
abstract <R> IList<R> |
IList.mapFilter(Function<V,R> mapper)
Return a list containing the result of applying a mapper to each list element.
static <V> IList<V> |
IList.of(V... elements)
Return a list containing specified elements.
static <V> IList<V> |
IList.of(V e)
Return a list containing a single element.
static <V> IList<V> |
IList.ofOptional(V... elements)
Return a list containing specified elements.
abstract IList<V> |
Return a list containing the same elements as this list, but in the reverse order.
IList<V> |
IList.onSlice(int start,
int end)
Return a list containing a designated subsequence of the elements of this list.
abstract IList<V> |
IList.optimize(ListUsage usage)
Return an equivalent list whose representation efficiently supports the specified usage.
abstract IList<V> |
Return an equivalent list whose representation efficiently supports forward traversal.
abstract IList<V> |
Return an equivalent list whose representation efficiently supports indexed access to list elements.
abstract IList<V> |
IList.prepending(V value)
Return a list with an additional value added at the beginning.
abstract IList<V> |
IList.removing(int index,
int count)
Return a list with consecutive elements removed.
abstract IList<V> |
IList.removing(Object value)
Return this list with a value removed.
IList<V> |
IList.removingAll(ISet<?> values)
Return a list with the values from this list, in the same order, except that all instances of the specified values
are excluded.
IList<V> |
Return this list with the first element removed.
IList<V> |
Return this list with the last element removed.
abstract IList<V> |
IList.replacing(int index,
V value)
Return a list with a new value for the specified element.
abstract IList<V> |
IList.replacingAll(int index,
int count,
Iterable<? extends V> values)
Return a list with new values replacing the specified elements.
IList<V> |
Return a list containing the same elements as this list, but in the reverse order.
IList<V> |
Return a list containing the same elements as this list, but sorted using the natural comparator.
IList<V> |
Return a list containing the members of this collection, sorted in the natural sort order.
abstract IList<V> |
IList.sort(Comparator<? super V> c)
Return a list containing the same elements as this list, but sorted using the specified comparator.
IList<V> |
ICollection.sort(Comparator<? super V> c)
Return a list containing the same elements as this collection, but sorted using the specified comparator.
abstract IList<V> |
Return a list containing the previously supplied (and not removed) elements.